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Clubwww1 Operates 23 Additional Social Networks

Social Networks are now an acceptable way of not only socializing but communicatiom  The isseu is that there are few specific sites to address individual specific needs.  Clubwww1 provides access to both career and profile networks each with unique features and benefits.  These programs provide access to the world on your terms!

Shopping At Home

Shopping online offers lots of benefits you won't find shopping in traditional stores. The worldwide stores of the Internet never close. You can order tulip bulbs directly from Holland, exotic spices from Turkey or handwoven wall hangings from Mexico ​or Morocco -- anytime 365-days a year. Taking advantage of their low overhead, Internet vendors often offer highly discounted prices. Savings can be substantial. In addition, Internet stores now offer more safe and flexible payment methods than ever before.

Online  24/7


​As one of the largest content service providers on the web, Clubwww1 links vendors, merchants and business services to customers.  For your guidance we feature online programs in sites in the UK, USA, Canada, Asia, Europe and the Americas.Additionally Clubwww1 is affiliated with many of the leading Computer, , Electronic, Gaming, Insurance, Book, Fashion, Airline and Travel Companies plus Wal-Mart, Kmart, Tesco, Target, Tiger, Barnes & Noble, Sears and Macys, Disney, to name a few.​

Clubwww1 Seniors Online


From a demographic perspective, other than education, 20 to 27% of senior citizens have a smartphone.  In the Forrester study, one out of 60% of seniors are online, one of 59% have purchased something over the Internet in the past three months, and one of 49% have a Facebook account.


Many, seniors make the best clients. They have more disposable income than their younger people and they are more brand-loyal, with 63% of online seniors agreeing that when they find a brand they like, they stick to it, compared with 53% of all US online adults.  Importantly, many seniors have the most important of all disposable assets....time.  This makes seniors the ideal partners for our web services.

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